30 days javascript challenge

  1. Drum kit
  2. Clock
  3. CSS variables
  4. Array workout
  5. Flex gallery
  6. Cities filtering
  7. Array workout again
  8. Paint at canvas
  9. Console training
  10. Select multiple checkboxes
  11. Custom videoplayer controls
  12. Konami code sequence
  13. Slidein effect on scroll
  14. Arrays and objects copies
  15. Check-list with local storage
  16. Text shadow followed mouse
  17. Sort films list by custom filters
  18. Reduce by strings
  19. Webcam stream fiddle
  20. Speech recognition
  21. Geolocation
  22. Links highlight
  23. Speech synthesis
  24. Sticky navigation bar
  25. Fiddle events
  26. Dropdown with follow background
  27. Drag items to scroll